mobile friendly, website, entrepreneur

The numbers tell the story. Nearly 50 percent of website traffic comes from mobile devices, such as a smartphone or a tablet. And it makes sense — after all, with mobile usage growing in leaps and bounds, there’s no denying that a mobile-friendly, responsive website is the ticket to online success if you have a business.

In fact, 80 percent of internet users have a smartphone — making this a great opportunity for businesses to be visible to their selected markets.

And we’re spending a lot of time on our smartphones. In fact, over 50 percent of us grab our smartphones as soon as we wake up! So it’s critical that your mobile website is designed for an optimum user experience. What are some things to keep in mind for a great mobile-friendly website?

  • Use responsive design: Your website should respond to the device it’s being viewed on. The HTML and images stay the same, but the CSS adjusts based on browser width. Your pages should be able to detect your visitor’s screen size and device and adjust accordingly.
  • Attractive appearance of the mobile site: Ideally, the mobile version of your website should show some of the elements that you would see on a desktop computer. The structure of the mobile version should also be a little different. Keep the design intuitive so your visitors are able to navigate easily and get the information they’re seeking.
  • Understand what content is important: You can gather this information from your Google Analytics data by reviewing what pages attract visitors and how long they’re spending on these pages. After you distill this information, you can decide what content you need to set up on your mobile website. This can also help you clean up what you’ve currently got set up on your desktop version.
  • Use engaging graphics: Ensure a positive user experience by using easy to view, clickable buttons where a visitor would engage. Also provide enough space for the visitor’s fingers, since unlike a desktop computer, they will be clicking on the screen. Also minimize the amount of text a visitor would need to input; if they can click a button to call your business, the website would be more convenient for them to use.
  • Use large, readable fonts: It’s also important to use web-friendly fonts in a decent size. A font size of 14 is a good starting point.

Interested in learning more about a mobile-friendly, responsive website? Give us a call at 818.488.1543 or email us at for more information about our website design services!