small business week marketing

This week, it’s time to celebrate you, the small business owner! It is National Small Business Week, honoring our nation’s small businesses, entrepreneurs, and small business advocates. Hosted by the SBA (Small Business Administration), the annual event reminds us just how important our small businesses are to the economy and fabric of American culture.

Did you know that small businesses create nearly two out of three new jobs in the United States? What an exciting time to be in business for yourself! This year’s theme is “Dream Big, Start Small.” How are you dreaming big for your small business? Expanding your vision beyond the immediate is part of thinking like an entrepreneur. Whether that’s adding a new service line, hiring more employees, or updating your social media marketing efforts, your business can only expand if you visualize and set your mind to it!

Whether you’ve been in business two years or 20, there’s always a newer and larger goal to aspire to. Let EDK be your marketing partner in expanding your vision for the future.

Contact us today and see how we can help bring that big vision to life!