
Wellness is defined by UC Davis as an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness — it is a dynamic process of change and growth. The key to living a longer and higher quality of life is maintaining an optimal level of wellness.

Is It Really a Big Deal?

Without a doubt, our global environment is changing. People are making a defined effort to embrace and practice wellness in their everyday life. Those choices are not only being adopted in our personal lives, but also in our professional lives. Customers and clients are now demanding considerations for wellness in practices, services, and products being offered in the marketplace.

Let’s take a look at some statistics that should be taken into account across all industries for wellness marketing.

  • The global wellness market reached $4.75 billion dollars.
  • The wellness market has grown an average of 6.4% annually since 2015.
  • Corporate wellness market is expected to hit $66 billion in 2022.
  • Approximately 75% of all large employers and 33% of all small companies run wellness programs.

When you put these numbers into the context of your business, it is crucial to focus on wellness in every aspect of your business and the services or products which are being offered.

The Aspects of Wellness

There are several aspects you can consider when applying wellness to your services, products, or business environments. These are simply guidelines and can be more broadly defined and expanded.

Social Wellness – Building and maintaining positive relationships that add value to our lives.

Emotional Wellness – Be able to accept and understand ourselves by successfully coping with our daily challenges and obstacles. 

Spiritual Wellness – The ability to establish peace and harmony in our lives by aligning our values and actions. This goes hand in hand with emotional wellness.

Environmental Wellness – Focusing on the protection and quality of our natural environment.

Occupational Wellness – Learning to thrive with a harmonious work-life balance, in an environment that respects our personal safety, health, and well-being.

Intellectual Wellness – Opening our minds to new ideas and experiences, which allow us to grow, develop and flourish in both our personal and professional lives.

Physical Wellness – Engaging in practices which properly care for and maximize the health and wellbeing of our bodies. 

Applying Concepts to Your Reality

Now that you have the numbers and general concepts of wellness and well-being, the question is, how do you adapt your business and get the word out that you are on board the wellness train? Customers will be the source of all the ideas you will ever need. Talk to them and hear what wellness means to them and what they would expect from your business to provide them with the value they are looking for. They will be able to give you absolute insights into how your product, service, or environment needs to change. Take those ideas very close to heart and make the changes necessary.

Once you have heard the voice of the customer, then it is time to get the word out! Wellness marketing is the key to spreading the message to the broadest audience possible. It is crucial you select a marketing agency that has a clear vision of what wellness means and just exactly how to reach the widest audience possible.   

Interested in incorporating a wellness marketing program in your business? Contact the marketing experts at EDK at info@edkandcompany.com or call 818.488.1543.